My company's set up a screening of this film. I've been avoiding going to see it, not because I don't believe it, but for the opposite reason, I believe it but don't care to be brow beaten by the subject. Frankly, I've got a enough shit keeping me up at night, I don't need to be fretting about what happens when the glaciers are gone in the Rockies. Besides, every three to four weeks I fill my truck up with gas, my personal C02 output is miles behind most of the people on this continent.
Anyway, the company's screening the film at the Plaza in Kensington and I've accepted to go. At the end of it our environment group is going to detail what we're going to do to curb our emmisions. See, we're a natural gas exploration company, specifically a coalbed methane firm. In order to get the gas out of the ground, we often have to run small compressors which are fuelled by natural gas (methane).
As a company, we've decided to deal with this problem, how we haven't figured out yet, but there's some pretty cool ideas floating out there. The point of mentioning this is, right now, we're not required by any law or regulation to do this. We're doing it because we feel its the right thing to do, irregardless of what Stephen Harper plans.
I'm sure there are plenty of oil and gas firms out there that don't care, but I also know that there are plenty that do care. Thus proving that you can't generalize the entire industry as a bunch of greedy and morally reprehensible thugs. Okay, we're greedy, but who the fuck isn't?
I wish I could bring a tape recorder to the after show discussion cause it'll be a doozy. Given the Plaza's within stumbling distance of quite a few pubs, I imagine a lot of my colleagues (meaning all the geologists) will head over there for a pint or five. Given that I estimate that half of the geologists in the company believe this current cycle global warming is man-made and the other half think the man-made part is a bunch of bullshit, the discussion will be lively.
I'll let you all know how it goes....
Good for your company! I am anxious to see what your post screening posts will be. I'm guessing very interesting.
Posted by: Snakebite | September 27, 2006 at 08:11 AM
Inconvenient Truth is really a "get brow beaten" exercise, it's more of a cold rush of fear in the pit of the stomach experience. It's really truly good. Though it's ironic that you see Gore driving around in a car in the film. : )
Posted by: tuco | September 27, 2006 at 02:26 PM
Irregardless is NOT a word.
Posted by: brad | September 27, 2006 at 05:30 PM
Hey, no fair. Word didn't catch that. I looked it up and its non-standard,
Next thing you'll be telling me ginormous and pandalerium ain't words either.
Posted by: ggdub | September 27, 2006 at 07:38 PM